"Summer Wars" is a 2009 Japanese animation film produced by MADHOUSE, supervised by Makoto Shinkai, and written by Fujimoto Ki
The story takes place in a fictional future society, where a big family named Kojima develops an online world called "OZ " virtual social networking platform. When a hacker invades OZ and brings down the global network system, the young math genius Shuhei Oiso is caught in the crisis. Together with members of the Kojima family and "OZ" players from different fields, he launched a thrilling summer war, trying to save the entire online world and the real world.
"Summer Wars" has been widely recognized for its warm and touching storyline, exquisite picture style and sincere characters. praise and welcome. The film touches on many topics in real society, such as network security, family, family, friendship and love, etc., and also shows Japanese culture and traditions to the audience. This movie is not only a creative fantasy adventure, but also a family entertainment movie full of warmth and emotion.
1. 《夏日大作战》这部电影是由谁主演的?
2. 这部电影是在哪一年产生的?
3. 《夏日大作战》属于什么类型的电影?
4. 电影的导演是谁?
5. 这部电影的剧情梗概是什么?
6. 电影中的主要角色有哪些?
7. 这部电影的动画风格如何呈现?
8. 这部电影的音乐如何?
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