"Nausica of the Valley of the Wind" is a cartoon released in Japan on March 11, 1984. This film is 117 minutes long and is also called The Girl of the Valley of the Wind, this film tells the story of many disasters in the highly developed industrial period. After 1000 years, what happened in the industrial period has not ended. The poisonous plants have become forests that people dare not approach. , after time, this forest gradually expanded, almost covering the whole world, and humans lived near a forest, Naushika and her people have been living a peaceful and peaceful life, but one day the flames of war spread to this place, and the western powers occupied it and wanted to attack it Violent attack, at the same time, the fierce monster that appeared in 1000, appeared again. This film is based on Hayao Miyazaki's manga. It won many awards after it was released. This film is very real. It shows us the arrogance and vanity of human beings, which is very meaningful and valuable
1. 《风之谷》是哪年产生的日本动漫?
2. 《风之谷》的导演是谁?
3. 《风之谷》是属于哪个国家的动漫类型?
4. 《风之谷》的主要配音演员有哪些?
5. 《风之谷》的故事背景是什么?
6. 《风之谷》的主要情节是什么?
7. 《风之谷》的剧情如何?
8. 《风之谷》的艺术风格如何?
9. 《风之谷》在动漫界有什么影响?
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