"Urayasu Iron Bar Family" is a A Japanese comedy TV series that will be released in Japan in 2020. The film mainly tells the story of a family with many members but living a happy life by laughing and playing with neighbors. The protagonist Xiaotie was born in Dazemu's family in Pu'an Town. This family is ordinary but super funny. Xiaotie himself is also a super funny and exaggerated kid. He and his family live in this town every day. Incomparably, no day is ordinary. Xiaotie often makes all kinds of jokes with his family, and he often gets along with relatives, friends and neighbors, and lives an ordinary but lively life together in this small town. Revealing happiness, this small town is like a utopia after having Osawaki's family. It brings endless joy and laughter to the people in the small town every day, which makes people envious and longing...