"The Secret Life of Pets" is an animation jointly produced by Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures. The film tells the story of the living conditions and experiences of various pets when the owner leaves home. Released in 2016, the film features the voices of Ellie Campbell, Kevin Hart, Lake Bell, Albert Brooks and Bobby Moynihan, among others
In a New York apartment, various pets enjoy themselves in the absence of their owners, including a lively and witty terrier Dog Mike, and the discarded big dog Du Boss. Mike thought he was the center of the master's life, but his position was challenged by Boss Du. Unable to understand each other, Mike and Boss Du had to take to the streets together to stop a plan to seize human resources planned by an abandoned rabbit, Xiaobai.
This movie highlights the characteristics of pets themselves and the relationship between them and their owners, bringing the audience a sense of love and friendship. touching stories. At the same time, there are some classic scenes in the movie, including a cat driving a car, a dog biting a slipper, etc., which made the audience laugh out loud.
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6. 电影《爱宠大机密》的制片国家是哪个?
7. 电影《爱宠大机密》的主题是什么?
8. 电影《爱宠大机密》的画面效果如何?
9. 电影《爱宠大机密》的音乐如何?
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