The content of the story is an adaptation of the manga of the same name by cartoonist Yuki Watanabe. The protagonist of the story is Onoda who is studying at Zongbei High School Sakamichi joined the school's bicycle club for a special reason, and also owned his own bicycle, and embarked on a journey of bicycle competition. Although he is not good at sports, he also discovered his own potential in bicycle competitions.
The protagonist is a high school student who loves animation games very much. He found a classmate with the same hobby, so he wanted to study in the animation club in high school, so that he could find his favorite classmates, but the activities of joining the club were stopped due to insufficient members. On the other side, I also saw that bicycles are very active, including junior high school and high school freshmen. Shunsuke Imaizumi, the president of the bicycle club, saw the protagonist riding a bicycle climbing a hill during training, so he invited him to participate in the bicycle training. Competition, and slowly discovered an amazing talent.
1. 《飙速宅男》是由哪位导演执导的?
2. 《飙速宅男》是哪一年在日本产生的?
3. 《飙速宅男》的主要声优有哪些?
4. 《飙速宅男》属于哪种类型的日本动漫?
5. 《飙速宅男》的故事背景是什么?
6. 《飙速宅男》的剧情主要围绕哪个主要角色展开?
7. 《飙速宅男》在日本的播放反响如何?
8. 《飙速宅男》的故事情节紧凑吗?
9. 《飙速宅男》的画风如何?
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