"Snowman Romance" is an animated film directed and written by Jill Carlton, with English dubbing by Wang Keying and others, Zhang Zifeng, Chen Feiyu , Wan Qian, Cai Ming and others dubbed in Chinese, it will be released in China on October 1, 2019. The film tells the story of Xiaoyi, a little girl from a bustling city who accidentally discovers the legendary snowman Da Mao on the roof, and decides to travel 3,000 kilometers across the motherland with her little friends A Jun and Peng Peng to escort the snowman Da Mao back to his hometown of Mount Everest. The film has been released in 46 countries and regions around the world, with a cumulative box office of more than 100 million US dollars. During this journey, "Big Mao" turned into a group pet, and walked with his friends, laughing and laughing constantly, and overcame difficulties together, finally completed the mission, and was hailed as a new generation of "big cute friends"
1. 《雪人奇缘》是什么类型的电影?
2. 该电影的主要声优有哪些?
3. 由谁执导了《雪人奇缘》?
4. 这部电影的上映时间是什么时候?
5. 《雪人奇缘》的故事背景是什么?
6. 该电影的剧情主要讲述了什么?
7. 该电影的评价如何?
8. 这部电影中的配音表现如何?
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