"Despicable Me 3" is a 3D animation film jointly produced by Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment. Directed by Kyle Balda, Pierre Coffin, and Eric Guillon, featuring voice actors including Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Trey Parker and more .
This movie tells the story of the protagonist, Gru, who was killed by the Anti-Bad Guys League after a failed operation. The expulsion story. However, in his moment of loss, he unexpectedly learns that he actually has a twin brother. Under the persuasion of dear Drew, Gru decided to embark on the path of a villain again and start a new adventure.
Gru and his new wife Lucy, unable to defeat the evil villain Brad was expelled from the Anti-Bad Guys League. The lovable Minions who used to work with Gru want him to return to a life of crime, but Gru insists on washing his hands, leaving them disappointed and leaving. Just as Gru was looking for a new purpose in life, he unexpectedly met his long-lost twin brother Dru. The two brothers decide to team up to capture Brad, but the rivalry between the brothers puts Gru in an unexpected predicament.
This film shows Gru and Germany in a humorous and warm way. The complicated relationship between Lu and the sincere emotions between brothers. Gru's return to the villain's path puts him not only under the pressure of criminal missions, but also with conflicts and fights between brothers. However, it is these challenges that make Gru gradually grow up and rediscover the kindness and courage in his heart.
1. 这部动漫的名称是什么?
2. 这部动漫的主要声优有谁?
3. 这部动漫是哪一年产生的?
4. 谁是这部动漫的导演?
5. 这部动漫属于什么类型?
6. 这部动漫的剧情主要讲述什么?
7. 这部动漫的评价如何?
8. 这部动漫获得了哪些奖项或提名?
9. 这部动漫的故事发生在哪个背景下?
10. 这部动漫适合哪些类型的观众?
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