"Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy" is an animated fantasy film released in the United States in 2014. This movie mainly tells the story of a fairy who invented the wonderful fairy dust out of curiosity and was expelled from the Fairy Valley after being misunderstood. The story takes place in the wonderful Elf Valley, where there is a fairy named Sarina, whose main job is to keep the fairy dust. Sarina invented a wonderful, powerful and Fairy dust with different colors and different mana, but this fairy dust is considered to be an unknown thing by the fairies in the Fairy Valley, so they expelled Sarina from the Fairy Valley, and Sarina stole the Fairy Valley after coming out of the Fairy Valley The very important blue fairy dust took him to join the pirate organization, tinkbell and his friends tried their best to track down the whereabouts of Sarina. On the way of tracking, Sarina used his magic fairy dust to disable tinkbell's magical talent chaos, and a magical and thrilling adventure kicked off..
1. 《小叮当与海盗仙子》是一部什么类型的电影?
2. 电影《小叮当与海盗仙子》的导演是谁?
3. 这部电影讲述了什么故事?
4. 这部电影的上映时间是哪一年?
5. 哪些演员参与了《小叮当与海盗仙子》的拍摄?
6. 电影的主题是什么?
7. 这部电影的故事背景是现实世界还是幻想世界?
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