"War Pigeon" This film is directed by Gary Chapman, with voice performances by Ewan McGregor, Hugh Laurie and others . The film tells the story of a group of pigeons who served as spies during World War II to assist the Allies in completing their missions
The protagonist of the film is a young pigeon named Valiant, who lives in his pigeon town. Living an ordinary life, but longing to be a brave pigeon. When he heard that the Royal Pigeon Corps was recruiting new members, he decided to travel to London to join the army. There, he made a group of like-minded pigeon friends, as well as some other animal allies. However, during the execution of a mission, Valiant and his team were blocked by the German Eagles. They had to overcome many difficulties to complete the mission and prove their courage and worth.
The film uses animal images and humor to show the courage and solidarity of World War II, and it also brings joy to the audience. and moved.
1. 《战鸽总动员》是哪年上映的?
2. 这部电影的导演是谁?
《战鸽总动员》的导演是Gary Chapman。
3. 电影的主要类型是什么?
5. 电影的剧情大致是什么?
6. 电影的评价如何?
7. 这部电影的票房表现如何?
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