Desert Lost City is a film directed by Hugo Martin. It was released in France on August 11, 2010. It is an action war film. It took 99 minutes to tell a story about the search for the crashed plane
In Algeria in 1960, French paratroopers were sent into the desert to find a crashed plane. The team consisted of ten people, but they experienced heat and attacks from their opponents during this search and rescue operation. They will continue to search and rescue in such an environment. One team member was shot in the head while posing for a photo and died instantly. However, they didn't know which country the team was from. In the middle of the night, a black human-shaped puff suddenly approached the team. Such a situation caused them to be very afraid of the current situation. The team members who died one after another made the remaining people can't help but be vigilant at all times. At the end of the film, the invention of the nuclear bomb is also told to people, but France wants to conduct a nuclear bomb test at the place where the plane crashed.
1. 《沙漠迷城》这部电影的主要演员有哪些?
2. 电影《沙漠迷城》是哪个地区产生的?
3. 电影《沙漠迷城》是哪一年上映的?
4. 《沙漠迷城》属于哪种电影类型?
5. 电影《沙漠迷城》的导演是谁?
电影《沙漠迷城》的导演是Hugues Martin。
6. 电影《沙漠迷城》的剧情梗概是什么?
7. 电影《沙漠迷城》的情节发展如何?
8. 电影《沙漠迷城》的主题是什么?
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