"Doraemon: Nobita's Parallel Journey to the West" is an anime directed by Shibayama Nu, starring Dashan Shinyo, Ohara Noriko, Nomura Michiko , Tachibi Kazuya, Kanfu Kanta, Chichimatsu Sachiko and other voice actors dubbed. This anime tells the story of Nobita's class rehearsing for the performance of "Journey to the West" drama at the welcome party for freshmen
Nobita (voiced by Noriko Ohara) aspires to play Monkey King, but only gets the role of an ordinary villager. In order to prove that he is the most like Monkey King, Nobita uses Doraemon's time machine to come to China's Tang Dynasty, hoping to see the real Monkey King with his own eyes. To his surprise, he actually met a person who claimed to be "Monkey King". However, Nobita later bet on Doraemon's props in an attempt to prove that the self-proclaimed Monkey King is actually very similar to himself.
Nobita and his friends came to the Tang Dynasty, but did not see the real Monkey King. In order to make up for this regret, Nobita used Doraemon's simulation game console to play the role of Monkey King, but was eventually exposed. To make matters worse, because the game console was not turned off properly, the monsters in the game escaped and began to rule the world. Nobita and others are also facing great danger.
In order to restore history and save Master Xuanzang, Nobita, Shizuka (voiced by Nomura Michiko), Xiaofu (voiced by Ganfu Kantai) and Gang Tian Wu (voiced by Libi Kazuya) plays the roles of Monkey King and other characters, and unfolds the story of protecting Master Xuanzang and embarking on an adventure.
1. 《哆啦A梦:大雄的平行西游记》是哪个地区在1988年产生的?
2. 这部电影属于哪个类型?
3. 电影的导演是谁?
4. 电影的主要声优有哪些?
5. 电影的故事背景是什么?
6. 电影的主题是什么?
7. 这部电影的特色和亮点是什么?
8. 电影的上映时间是什么时候?
9. 这部电影在日本的知名度如何?
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