The film "Captain Corelli's Mandolin" directed by John Madden, Nicolas Cage, Penelope Cruz and John Starring Hurt, it was released in the UK on April 19, 2001. The film tells a love story set in the Greek island of Sevronia shortly after the start of World War II
The island of Sevronia is located in the Mediterranean Sea, with picturesque scenery, like a pure and quiet pastoral poem. Residents on the island make a living by fishing, live a simple and traditional life, aloof from the world, simple and kind. However, the cloud of war finally enveloped this beautiful land, and the arrival of Italian soldiers broke the tranquility of the island.
The protagonist of the film, Captain Antonio Corelli (Nicolas Cage), is an Italian military officer who retains romance and uniqueness The nature of taste. Despite being in the army, he still loved music and kept a mandolin with him at all times. Accompanied by the sound of the piano, Corelli was able to temporarily forget the pressure and loneliness brought about by the war.
Fate arranges a chance encounter, and local girl Pelagia (Penelope Cruz) breaks into the Cocoa. Riley's world. Pelagia is the daughter of a doctor in a fishing village. She has a broad and charming Mediterranean temperament, beautiful and elegant, and at the same time has a tough and persistent character. When they first got along, the two were out of tune with each other, but Corelli's melodious piano music gradually touched Pelagia's heartstrings.
1. 《柯莱利上尉的曼陀林》是哪个国家的电影?
2. 这部电影是在哪一年产生的?
3. 谁是《柯莱利上尉的曼陀林》的导演和主演?
4. 电影的类型是什么?
5. 电影的故事背景是哪个地方?
6. 岛上的居民以什么为生?
7. 岛上的居民的生活状态如何?
8. 电影中出现的战争对岛上居民生活造成了什么影响?
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