"Girl Slayer Tokyu" is an action movie based on the popular manga of the same name by Renji Asai and Shin Sawada Adapted from. The film is co-starred by actors such as Hashimoto Kanna, Sugino Haruka, Suzuka Yoshi and Baba Fumika, and is directed by director Toichiro Ruto.
The story tells the true identity of Kikuno Kei, a student of a commercial technical school who looks weak and cute . She is a professional killer who belongs to a dispatch company. No matter how brutal the task is, as long as the client needs it, she will complete it without hesitation. Therefore, she became the top killer in the dispatch company.
However, in a certain mission, Juyexi had to stop the operation because customer's request. In her spare time, she took out a handout to read. Surprisingly, she discovered that this dying hooligan turned out to be a math genius.
As a professional killer, Ju Yexi is facing a dilemma between her identity and mission. conflict between. In the process of completing the task, she also began to think about her life and future. Her goal is to pass the second-level accounting exam, but at the same time she is also eager to pursue the life she really wants.
"Girl Killer Express" shows Kikuno Kei's double identity and inner struggle , revealing the complexity of human nature and the process of growth. The film will lead the audience into a world full of action and tension, while also exploring the stories of people finding themselves and pursuing happiness in adversity.
1. 《少女杀手特急便》这部电影的主要演员有哪些?
2. 这部电影是在哪个国家产生的?
3. 这部电影是在哪一年产生的?
4. 这部电影的导演是谁?
5. 这部电影属于什么类型?
6. 这部电影的剧情简介是什么?
7. 这部电影的动作场面如何?
8. 这部电影的音乐配乐如何?
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