"Mulan: Turned Out" is a domestic animation film, telling the story of Mulan as a well-known "stab head" in the army. During a mission to sneak into the enemy camp alone, she was surrounded by danger and embarked on the road to explore the conspiracy behind it.
This film tells the story of Mulan in the world's first 3D animation. The story is based on the original, but has been reasonably adapted. Mulan has the desire to become an official in the army and win face for her family, but it has not been realized for a long time. During the mission, she discovered a bigger conspiracy, and she was constantly facing the test of unknown friends and enemies.
The movie attracts the audience with vivid pictures and exciting plot. Mulan bravely joins the army as a woman, showing both her tenacity and wisdom. In the process of revealing the identity of the enemy and unraveling the conspiracy, Mulan experienced growth and transformation, and finally showed her true heroism.
"Mulan: Turned Out" will be released on October 3, 2020, and will be performed by Zhang Qi, Zhao Lu, Shao Minjia, Xiaomi and other actors. Director Liao Guanghua vividly interprets Mulan's legendary story with exquisite expressive techniques and tight rhythm.
This domestic animation has brought double visual and spiritual shock to the audience, and also made the audience feel the power and courage of the female hero. "Mulan: Turned Out" is an animation movie worth watching, allowing people to appreciate the unique beauty of Chinese animation.
1. 《木兰:横空出世》这部动漫的主要配音演员有谁?
2. 这部动漫是在哪一年产生的?
3. 这部动漫的导演是谁?
4. 这部动漫的上映时间是什么时候?
5. 这部动漫的类型是什么?
6. 这部动漫讲述了什么样的故事?
7. 这部动漫在大陆观众中的反响如何?
8. 这部动漫的画风和动画质量如何?
9. 这部动漫的主题和意义是什么?
10. 这部动漫对观众产生了什么样的影响?
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