The movie "Re:Follower" is a Japanese TV series produced in Japan in 2019 by Starring Xi Mingjun, Shiono Eihisa, Wada Masari, Kitano Ai and other actors, directed by Nishida Daisuke.
The movie tells the story of four beautiful men gathered in a certain library. On the surface, the old-fashioned people who seem to be idle in the library are actually members of the popular SNS account "Cressida" in the society.
On Cressida, people can confide their troubles or dissatisfied, and the chosen ones are given "language" to resolve the issue. Because of this rumor, "Cressida" became a huge epidemic with a huge fan base. However, no one knows that the operators behind "Cressida" are actually these four people.
Captain Thirteen is responsible for selecting the client, and the public is responsible for giving opinions. Yuki collects information, and Yusaku infiltrates. The four used their respective abilities to solve the client's troubles. But the happiness of the client's outcome is up to them. Among them, there are also people who have been punished excessively and wiped out by society...
Free Reporter Five Shimao began to track down the account named "Cressida". He believed that this account name was related to the "Cressida Incident" that caused a sensation in the society 11 years ago. With continuous tracking, the true purpose of "Cressida" gradually surfaced, and the true colors of the members gradually revealed...
Mixing suspense, reasoning, and psychodrama, the film showcases the complexity of human nature and the cruelty of society by revealing the story behind "Cressida" . At the same time, the film also reflects on the impact of social networks on people's lives, and the harm of online violence to individuals and society.