Spy is an action comedy directed by Paul Feig. The film tells the story of Susan, an ordinary CIA employee who happened to become an undercover agent to investigate an international arms smuggling case. Clerk Susan has been in charge of logistics work in the CIA, dealing with the endless files that the agents need every day. Although she is in the CIA, Susan, who has always been unknown, has nothing to do with those thrilling secret agent experiences, so she is always unwilling. But not long after, Susan's chance to become famous came. Because of an accident, all her secret agent colleagues fighting on the front line were exposed, their identities were well known by the other party, and the whereabouts of some colleagues were unknown. The only one left unexposed was Susan, an office clerk. An arms smuggling case is imminent, and the lives of colleagues are at stake. Rescuing her colleagues and supporting justice, Susan thought she was duty-bound, so she volunteered to act as an undercover agent and sneaked into the largest arms dealer group in the world. Thus began her thrilling spy career
1. 《间谍》这部电影的主要演员有哪些?
2. 电影《间谍》是哪个国家产生的?
3. 电影《间谍》是哪一年上映的?
4. 《间谍》属于哪种电影类型?
5. 电影《间谍》的导演是谁?
6. 电影《间谍》的剧情梗概是什么?
7. 电影《间谍》中的角色之间有怎样的关系?
8. 电影《间谍》传递了怎样的主题或信息?
9. 电影《间谍》的拍摄风格如何呈现?
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