Inevitable Pain is the latest TV comedy to be released in the UK in 2022. The series is based on Adam Kay's personal diary Absolutely Laughing. The Diary of an Abandoned Doctor", the story revolves around a series of touching stories of junior obstetricians and gynecologists in the ward hospital. This TV series will premiere on British TV for the first time on February 8, 2022
As a TV series, it has done a great job in adapting the original work. It has adapted all the contents of the diary into a coherent and fun plot. The TV series, through the way of comedy and tragedy, turned his own experience into the material of the TV series to show the various problems existing in the British national medical service system to all audiences.
Through TV dramas, the audience can learn about the daily life of male obstetricians and gynecologists, as well as how women and gynecologists deal with patients. The personal charm of an obstetrician, this TV series is also a good experience of Adam Kay's inner thoughts.