Star Wars: Legends of the Jedi is an animated series directed by Nathaniel Villanueva. The play is voiced by Rosario Dawson, Liam Neeson, Ashley Eckstein, Janina Gavanka and others, and will be launched on Disney on October 26, 2022. The show is divided into 6 episodes and tells the story of Ahsoka Tano's early life.
This animated short series features Ahsoka and Dooku , two stories about fate are intertwined. Viewers will gain insight into Ahsoka's upbringing and her relationship with the Jedi Order. As a young Jedi Knight, Ahsoka faces various challenges and tests. She must learn to master the Force and face her own inner conflicts and choices.
The series showcases the excitement of the Star Wars universe through vivid animation Adventures and fierce battles. The audience will follow Ahsoka on a journey full of hardships and growth, experience battles and sacrifices together, explore the mysteries of the Force and the mission of the Jedi Knights.
Star Wars: The Legend of the Jedi brings Star Wars fans A whole new story and perspective. Through the presentation of the series, the audience can have a deeper understanding of the inner world and growth experience of the character Ahsoka. At the same time, the series also added more plots and details to the Star Wars universe, bringing more surprises and memories to the audience.