The animation "Godzilla: Singularity" is directed by Atsushi Takahashi, written by Yuancheng Tower, and produced by BONES and Orange are in charge of producing it, and it will premiere on April 1, 2021. The story revolves around Yu Aikawa, who works in a factory, and Ming Kano, a graduate student who studies fictional creatures.
Arikawa Yu decided to Go to investigate. Meanwhile, Ming Kano goes to the Authority to investigate the mysterious signal it received. The two were in completely different places, and they started investigations due to their own reasons, but they accidentally heard the same singing voice. The sound of the song connects the two, setting off an unimaginable chain of events.
As the investigation deepened, Arikawa Yu and Kanno Ming discovered that they traveled through time and space, Step into a world full of mystery and fantasy. In this unknown field, they face great challenges and dangers. However, these events do not seem to be accidental, but harbingers of future disasters for mankind.
The two gradually realized that they were involved in a mysterious world beyond time and space. journey of. They need to work together to solve the mystery and find the truth to prevent the inevitable future disaster of mankind. In the course of this adventure, they formed a solid partnership and faced the unknown future with courage and wisdom.
"Godzilla: Singularity" animation will lead the audience on a journey full of A journey of surprise and fantasy. This work is not only an animation, but also a story about friendship, courage and transcending time and space.
1. 电影名称是什么?
2. 电影的主要内容是什么?
3. 电影的主人公是谁?
4. 电影的演员阵容有哪些?
5. 故事背景是什么?
6. 电影的产地是哪里?
7. 电影的导演是谁?
8. 电影属于哪个类型?
9. 故事中的主人公有川结和神野铭面临什么情况?
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