"Selena" is an American drama film released in 2014. The story happened in 1929. George and his new wife Selina came to the deep mountains of North Carolina together, and the two of them were going to build their own timber empire here. The living environment in the deep mountains is particularly harsh, and the necessities of life are also very urgent. Selina, who just arrived, quickly adapted to the living conditions here, and showed a stronger side than men. Although she is a woman, Selina is proficient in hunting and mountain climbing, and she is not inferior to her husband at all
Even in an accident, Selina saved her husband's life. With the support of his wife Selina, George won every step of the way, dealt heavy blows to business competitors, and slowly built a business empire belonging to the two of them. However, by accident, Sarina discovered George's secret that he had an illegitimate child. This is tantamount to bad news for Selina, who is barren. Angry Selina is determined to put this innocent child to death.