"Beyond" tells the story of Hao Chaoyue, who has won countless trophies, and started to make progress after going through the trough of life. I rekindled my hope for life, cheered up from then on, constantly surpassed my previous achievements, and achieved higher achievements. Wu Tianyi, the 100-meter champion in the movie, is always troubled by his inability to surpass the performance of the old man Hao Chaoyue, but he doesn’t know that the athlete he has always been an idol has already given up on himself. Avoiding his favorite sports career, and trying to use Wu Tim Wing to make profits for himself, the competition between the two brothers has extended from the track to their real lives, which has an impact on their lives.
Even so, during a chance chat with his good friend, Hao Chaoyue suddenly realized that he had committed a crime. He made a serious mistake, and the 100-meter score that he has always been proud of has been difficult to surpass again. Hao Chaoyue began to realize his own problems, so through a lot of training, he returned to the peak and achieved better results .
1. 《超越》是由哪位导演执导的?
2. 这部电影的主要演员有哪些?
3. 《超越》是属于哪个国家的产物?
4. 这部电影的类型是什么?
5. 故事情节中的主要角色是谁?
6. 电影的剧情背景是什么?
7. 这部电影的故事讲述了什么?
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